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November is financial literacy month – a great time to reflect on your relationship with money and the decisions you make …

Year End Tax Planning Ideas

With the year’s end fast approaching, here are some ideas to minimize your 2023 tax bill.   The first idea is …

Clarke owned a small business that employed three other people besides him. He had sole signing authority on his business bank …

All-Weather Investing

There is almost always chatter in the media about the next possible correction or recession. The most recent buzz is about …

Inflation is a reality of modern life, and in recent years, it has become increasingly challenging to manage personal finances in …

CPP at 60? Pros and Cons

As individuals approach retirement, they must decide when to start receiving their Canada Pension Plan (CPP) payments. While the standard age …

Monica was alarmed to hear from her mother’s financial advisor expressing concern over some unusual financial requests. She called her mom, …

Working towards financial independence includes assumptions about how the world operates and how we navigate within that environment. These assumptions work …

Roger and Linda, like many Canadians, have saved for years for their retirement. They took advantage of RRSPs and now have …