Recent Articles

During a recent client call, the topics discussed included how the media influence people’s investment behaviors. This client woke up one …

Graham, like millions of other Canadians, has and uses credit cards. He often carries a balance from month to month and …

The Planning Continuum

A question sometimes asked in the media is exactly what is the role of a financial professional and how do they …

Charities play a vital role in our society. The Canadian government recognizes this role and tax breaks exist to encourage taxpayers …

Market Highs vs Your Goals

As stock market indexes in Canada and the U.S. make new highs on an almost daily basis, as of late June …

Statistics Canada reported in 2007 that most eldercare (75%) was provided by those between 45 and 64 years of age. These …

It’s One Economy

The financial planner responded by saying that if the public stock markets were going down the drain, then real estate would …

One Saturday, famed investment manager Peter Lynch was working at the office when he decided to answer the phone. The caller …

Building Wealth

There are many definitions and meanings for the term ‘wealth’. It is often said that it is easier to build wealth …